Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The New S.P.S.

In 1947, an appeal committee to raise four thousand pounds ($8000) to put the school grounds and assembly hall in order was set up at a public meeting. The chairman could not see why the school should contribute to a hall, when the High Schools obtain theirs as right.

The Regan Street school was opened officially on April 21, 1948 by the Minister of Education Hon. T. H. McCombes.

Later that year sixteen hundred pounds ($3,200) was announced as available to complete the school grounds. A new Dental Clinic was planned as well as a Headmaster’s house. In September Mr Jackson took up duties as new Headmaster.

During 1949 the Assistant caretaker resigned. Standard 5-6 (Year 7-8) girls took turns to sweep out the classrooms, and the wage was divided among the girls.

May 1949 saw the roll of SPS rise to 600. The assembly hall was completed and electric bells were installed. Large numbers of boys were turning up to Saturday football, and a regular competition seemed probable for the following year.


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