Saturday, August 19, 2006

Foot Prints in the Sand

A letter from a Past Pupil:

… For a short time, almost a life time ago, I was a student at your school.

I lived with my parents, my two sisters and two brothers in Craig Street, off Broadway, for a few years during the late 70s.

Although we lived in Stratford for only a short while, I consider that time as the most happiest of my childhood years.

The reason for this letter is to express my joy and congratulations on a wonderful website and to pass on my following thoughts and best wishes to you, your staff and all the students of such a very, very, special school.

Some of the fondest memories of my junior school days are of the times I would walk to 'Stratford Normal' with my younger sister, (in the snow). We would crunch along in our gum boots looking forward to the warmth and security of our classrooms.

I can remember most of the teachers I had and can appreciate now, how their influence and sometimes stern but fair methods of learning helped shape my life and to better prepare me for the years that laid ahead.

Mrs Davies, Mrs George, Mrs Stringer and Mr Grey are just some of the names of the faces I see sometimes in my dreams at night of those happy days spent growing up in the mountain town of Stratford. Such a wonderful place for kids to grow up.

The photos on your website have brought back joyful memories of playing paddle tennis on the courts and British bulldog out on the fields.

Some funny memories were of visits to the dental clinic... I remember how the classroom would suddenly go quiet when a knock at the door would reveal a fellow student, standing there with one hand cupping his jaw and the other holding out a small note. The dreaded note, who would be next to go to the dental clinic? I can laugh now.

I can remember the walks to the swimming pool where we would stop on the bridge to gaze down at the rainbow trout in the river. Such crystal clean water.

I remember the little dairy across the road that prepared school lunches and I can remember the smell of banana through the corridors. …

I remember how we would all sing Maori songs together in class. Sadly, that kind of 'culture embracing' doesn't happen very often over here. I would miss those times.

… My memories are still quite clear and after browsing through your website, I am reminded only of happy times and will cherish them always. I am also left feeling very proud to have been a student of Stratford Primary.

My advice to all the children at your school, particularly the older ones, is to cherish these years and to take the experiences and memories with them into the years ahead. Each and every one will look back at these days someday and their hearts will cry too…


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