Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Media Team Wrap Up

The S.P.S. Media Team met for the final time today to wrap up their work of the last few weeks. We had a little party and watched slideshows of the pictures and videos of the Jubilee weekend. It was great to have our students out and about amongst the Jubilee participants recording this historic weekend.
Kelvin Squire, Principal, acknowledged their contributions by presenting our Secondary Students with an S.P.S. school pen and expressing his thanks on behalf of the school. Our younger students had already received a 'Birthday Present' at school last week.

The Media Team's last official duties today were to reflect on the events of the Jubilee and write a few words for the Stratford Press. Here is what they had to say:

This year the year 7-8 students went down to the hall and role played like it was 125 years ago. We lined up and Miss Coffey called us into the hall one by one. Mr Williams dictated a poem and we had to write it exactly as he said. Our desks were all lined up in rows. We got yelled at by the teachers. We had a spelling test. We all had to try and take it seriously. A student had to get the ruler and pretended to strap with it. He broke the ruler. I’m really glad we don’t have the strap anymore and the teachers are lots nicer these days.
by Jessie Isaacs Y8

I thought the 125th jubilee was a good idea because it rejoined old classmates and got previous students who used to go to this school to come back and see how the school has changed. Every one who came had fun and enjoyed themselves lots. In class we have been studying what it was like in 1882 by role playing and working like they used to back in the old days.
By Kimberly Madden Y8

The Jubilee was fun because I got to see people who came to this school over the last 70 years and see them catch up with their old mates. It was a success. The War Memorial Centre looked awesome and it looked like everyone was having a good time. I have learnt a lot about the history of our school over the past few weeks such as the school fire in the 1950s, and the big snow days in the 1970s & 1980s
By Hamish Walker Y9 (Stratford High)

I reckon that the jubilee was cool because lots of people came to our school and had photos, food and watched a little girl cut the Jubilee cake.
By Kieran George Y6

My thoughts on the jubilee are…It was great to see a lot of people take interest in their old primary school. Everyone had put a lot of hard work into it and it turned out to be a successful weekend.
By Courtney Cheer Y9 (Stratford High)

It was well set up by the organizers. It was good seeing people getting involved that haven’t been to the school for at least 40-50 years. It was cool watching people that haven’t seen each other for like 20 years or more meet each other again and trying to figure out the names of people. It was good for the school to be noticed and got out there.
By Sam Mako Y10 (Stratford High)

Stratford Primary School did a great job in organizing the event. Everyone that took part and attended it seemed to think it was a great success. The events were well thought out and were very popular in the community.
By Francie Clarkson Y10 (Stratford High)

It was great for the school to hold a massive event like the 125th Jubilee. It was fun to see people that came to this school a long time ago. Some of the people have not seen each other for over 50 years. I have learnt a lot about Stratford Primary School during the 125th Jubilee.
By Cameron Cox Y7

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